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How to prevent the most common mobile security threats to your iPhone and Android devices

When you choose not to protect your mobile devices, you could open yourself to various threats to your online privacy.


We’ve rounded up the biggest threats to your smartphone security, as well as some tips that will help protect you, your phone, and your info

Mobile technologies and apps are part of your daily life, giving you access to GPS, entertainment, storage, and more. In return, you often give these apps access to much of your personal information without taking the time to read the fine print and understand what information you’re actually allowing them to track, store, and share. In doing so, this could open you up to various threats to your online privacy.

Why do you need mobile security?

We store more and more sensitive information on our mobile devices - addresses, credit card info, passwords and phone numbers – and because of this, they are lucrative targets for cybercriminals.

OS attacks can exploit the gaps found at the operating system level. Mobile app attacks are frequently the result of bad development and coding. Malware attacks can corrupt your data or steal your passwords and other sensitive info, while ransomware can hold your computer, and the data stored on it, hostage. Attacks on communication networks happen when you unwittingly log into an unsecured or faulty network.

Mobile security breaches are different from attacks that occur on desktops for two reasons:

  1. On mobile devices, many people still don’t set up screenlock on their smartphones. People may also not realize that their apps, too, could be open and running, making it easier for would-be cybercriminals to access data on many apps.
  2. Unlike desktop users, mobile users may not be able to easily see the entire URL of a site they are visiting, or a link they’re about to click on. This could make it easier for digital crooks to deploy successful phishing attacks.

Fortifying mobile security

There are steps that you can take to help ensure your mobile devices are secure. The first step is to know precisely what data is being collected by the mobile apps you use, including contacts, photos, internet data, and call logs. You should also understand how your sensitive data may be stored, used, or shared by these applications. 

Mobile security for Android devices

The mobile threat landscape is continuously changing with new mobile malware and other threats as cybercriminals evolve their tactics for accessing your devices. It’s clear that our mobile digital data could be vulnerable as hackers seek security holes to compromise our personal information.

Often, the data stolen from mobile devices is then sold on the dark web. This part of the web is made up of hidden sites that you can’t find through a conventional search engine. Not to be confused with the dark web, the deep web is a bit different - the deep web is also hidden. It’s home to benign sites — people’s password-protected email accounts, the intranets run by businesses, the online bank account pages of consumers, government databases, and private sites that require users to type in a log-in name and password.

Here are some of the most common threats to Android devices:

Malicious mobile apps

A third-party app is a software application made by someone other than the manufacturer of the mobile device or its operating system. Malicious mobile apps are usually created to mimic the look and behaviors of popular apps, with the intent of fooling you into thinking they are the real deal.

How to stay safe:

One way to minimize danger from third-party app stores is to avoid them altogether. But, even if you do, it’s still possible to download an app from one of the official app stores that could expose your device to malware. Sticking to the official app stores, such as Apple App Store or Google Play store, is a safer bet.

By adding Norton Mobile Security for Android to your mobile devices, which is included in your Norton subscription, the app can warn you of suspicious Android apps before you download them.

Mobile security for Apple devices

Different mobile device operating systems have different strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, different types of threats and mobile security solutions exist. Here are a few Apple iPhone and iOS mobile threats and security best practices for how to keep your devices, and the information stored on them, safe.


Trustjacking is a fairly new threat for iPhone users. When you plug your iPhone into the USB port of an unsecured computer, iOS will ask if you want to trust the computer because it will have access to your data. Hence the name “trustjacking.” When you agree, this vulnerability can exploit an iOS feature called iTunes Wi-Fi sync, which is intended to allow iPhone users to manage their iOS device without physically connecting it to their computer.

How to stay protected:

Make sure the USB Restricted Mode is turned on in your device Settings, to make hacking more difficult.

Mobile security threats that can affect both Android and Apple devices. 


Spyware is a type of malware that infiltrates your device, to damage your computer or to gain access to your sensitive information, often without your knowledge. Spyware gathers your personal information and relays it to advertisers, data firms, or external users. 

How to stay safe:

  • Don’t open emails from unknown senders.
  • Avoid downloading files from untrustworthy sources.
  • Don’t click on pop-up advertisements.
  • Ensure your Norton Mobile Security for iOS or Android app is up-to-date.

Public Wi-Fi

Public and unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots are everywhere, from hotel rooms to coffee shops. Using open Wi-Fi connections could make you susceptible to Man-in-The Middle (MiTM) attacks, no matter what device or operating system you use. The “man in the middle” can capture your information as it moves from your mobile device to another device or a website. For example, a cybercriminal could intercept your emails or text messages on unsecured Wi-Fi. Most often, you aren’t even aware that the attack occurred. 

How to stay safe:

If you must connect to public Wi-Fi, consider using a virtual private network (VPN), which is included in your Norton 360 subscription. A VPN creates a private network from a public internet connection. VPN services establish secure and encrypted connections to provide greater privacy than even a secured Wi-Fi hotspot. Norton Secure VPN is included with a Norton 360 subscription.

Vulnerabilities in the operating system and built-in apps

Malware can sometimes contaminate your device via a weakness in the operating system. Software updates help combat these types of attacks. Two important reasons to update your software are to repair security holes that have been discovered and to fix or remove computer bugs.

How to stay protected:

When was the last time you updated your phone? Always perform software and app updates when they are made available by the manufacturer to ensure you have the most current protection available for your device.

Mobile phishing

A phishing scam is a type of fraud that can come in many different forms. These scams not only employ various online techniques such as fake emails and pop-up ads, but they can also include phone calls and text messages. The people behind these scams often use fear tactics to encourage you to take the bait.

How to stay protected:

Be vigilant and wary of the communications you receive, whether by email, text, or even voice calls. Some phishing emails or texts might look unprofessional to you; poor grammar or asking you to click links with odd-looking URLs are definite red flags. Never click on a URL in the message you receive. Instead, always visit the website in question by typing it into the URL bar of your web browser. 

Tips to stay safe on any mobile device

  • Use different passwords for different mobile apps and sites. Make your passwords long and complicated, with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. To add a second layer of protection, enable two-factor authentication for each account. 
  • Never use an unsecured Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection, and turn off access when you aren’t using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. With Bluetooth turned on, an Apple iPhone can recognize when another Bluetooth-enabled iPhone is nearby. This feature allows easy sharing of files, but could also allow someone to send malware to your phone. 

It is possible to protect the sensitive information stored on your mobile device. By thoroughly understanding the risks and taking the proper precautions, you can safeguard your online privacy and device. A smart solution for helping to boost your mobile security is by adding your mobile devices to your existing Norton plan. Mobile protection is included in your subscription.

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Editorial note: Our articles provide educational information for you. Our offerings may not cover or protect against every type of crime, fraud, or threat we write about. Our goal is to increase awareness about Cyber Safety. Please review complete Terms during enrollment or setup. Remember that no one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime, and that LifeLock does not monitor all transactions at all businesses. The Norton and LifeLock brands are part of Gen Digital Inc. 


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