Multi-subscription discount

If you have multiple Norton standalone annual subscriptions, you may qualify for a multi-subscription discount.

How it works? The more subscriptions you have, the more of a discount you receive. Read the following terms and conditions to learn more:

Number one
To qualify, you must have at least two standalone annual subscriptions which automatically renew, and which have the same billing cycle (i.e., you are charged on the same date for their renewals). One of these subscriptions must be for Norton Secure VPN 1 Device.
Number two
A $10 discount will be available for every annual subscription starting from the second annual subscription with the same billing date, and will be applied on the total price billed upon every renewal term as long you keep them on that same billing cycle.
Number three
We will send you an email before your annual subscription renewal fees are charged that will include the subscription renewal prices along with the multi-subscription discount, if you qualify.
Number four
If you cancel the subscription renewal or terminate the contract for one of the annual subscriptions before being charged, you will lose the benefit of the discount for the subscription you cancelled the renewal or terminated the contract for.
Number five
If you have two annual subscriptions with the same billing cycle, and you cancel the subscription renewal or terminate the contract for one of them before being charged, no multi-subscription discount will apply on the price billed upon the renewal of the remaining subscription.
Number six
The discount amount is subject to change and the multi-subscription discount offer may be discontinued.

Single-use products and services are not eligible for the multi-subscription discount (like Norton Computer Tune Up, Norton Ultimate Help Desk Single Use). Add-on subscriptions (i.e., subscriptions linked to a main subscription) are also excluded.

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